加拿大住家保姆移民操作手册之:配偶工签 - 华清出国网 

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Family members of live-in caregivers who have applied for permanent residence Live-in caregivers who enter Canada under the LCP are eligible to apply for permanent residence after they have worked full-time as a live-in caregiver for at least 24 months or a total of 3,900 hours in a minimum of 22 months within the four years immediately following their entry into Canada under the LCP. To be eligible to apply for permanent residence under the LCP, they must meet the requirements of R113.

All family members of live-in caregivers who have applied for permanent residence must be declared and included in the live-in caregiver’s application for permanent residence. All family members, whether accompanying the principal applicant or not, are required to be examined. All eligible family members must undergo and pass medical, criminal and security checks. Live-in caregivers cannot become permanent residents if any of their
eligible family members are inadmissible.

Normally, an inadmissible family member, whether accompanying or not, would render the live-in caregiver principal applicant and all family members inadmissible. There are, however, two exceptions to this rule described in R23. The first is a separated spouse/common-law partner and the second is a child who is in the legal custody of someone other than the applicant, or someone other than the applicant is empowered to act on behalf of that child by virtue of a court order, written agreement or by operation of law.

If an applicant’s separated spouse/common-law partner or their children in the custody of someone else are inadmissible, their inadmissibility would not render the applicant inadmissible.

OP 14 Processing Applicants for the Live-In Caregiver Program
As separated spouses/common-law partners can reconcile and custody arrangements for children may change, examination is required in order to safeguard the future right to sponsor them in the family class. If these family members are not examined, they cannot be sponsored in the family class in the future under R117(9)(d).
Satisfactory documentary proof of a separation and of custody being with someone other than the applicant is required. A separation agreement or custody papers are examples of acceptable proof.

Officers will not issue a permanent resident visa to separated spouses or children in the custody of someone else, even if they are examined, as they are non-accompanying. If these family members are genuinely unavailable or unwilling to be examined, the consequences of not having them examined should be clearly explained to the applicant and reflected in the CAIPS or GCMS notes. Applicants should be counseled to sign and return a statutory declaration acknowledging the consequences or inform the Case Processing Centre and visa office that they want the child examined in order to preserve future sponsorship privileges.

Live-in caregivers who apply for permanent residence may request concurrent processing for some or all of their family members residing in or outside Canada. Those who are processed concurrently at a visa office may be issued permanent resident visas once the live-in caregiver becomes a permanent resident.

For more details, see section 5.12 of the OP 2 – Processing Members of the Family Class chapter and the IP 4 – Processing Live-in Caregivers in Canada chapter.

Note: Family members who are not processed concurrently may be sponsored as members of the family class once the live-in caregiver is a permanent resident



OP 14处理住家照顾者计划的申请者
有关更多详细信息,请参阅OP 2“处理家庭成员”章节的第5.12节和IP 4“处理加拿大的住家照顾者”章节。




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